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Tuesday 2 July 2013




Some say the result of exam depend on your hard works. Undeniable, that is true, but how about if you work really hard but the result suckT.T?? May be you will find a good tuition center or organize more effective studies schedule. However, there is one simple way to boost your exam result – food!! Simple, effective and scientifically proven. Below are foods that really good for your exam, couple with your hard work, certainly you can do better in examinations.^^


Whole grain is a great brain stimulator because it contains high percentage of folate. Make sure you are eating a diet rich in whole grain bread, cereals, barley, popcorn etc. Because they can boost you blood flow to the brain, resulting in better concentration and memorizing.

Eating blueberries and a diet rich in deep pigment from fruits and vegetables helps preserve the brain machinery and boost the potency of neuron signals. Blueberries literally strengthen the brain. They have compounds that turn on key systems in the brain enable other proteins to help with memory or other cognitive skills.
In one recent study, subjects who ate one cup of blueberries a day for two weeks showed an increased birth rate of brain cells in the hippocampus (region responsible for memory), and scored significantly higher in classroom tests than those subjects who did not. Therefore, you can try some blueberries or even raisin as your snack during night time study, which are delicious and healthy.

Like nuts, many seeds and nuts can boost your mood and brainpower. Sunflower seeds contain tryptophan, an important amino acid that the brain converts to seratonin, which is a natural way to relieve mild depression and insomnia. Additionally, sunflower seeds are high in thiamine, an important B vitamin, which increases memory and cognitive function.

Eating a banana helps the brain to function at its best. Bananas release energy slowly, and this helps the brain to stay alert. Bananas have a high level of potassium, tryptophan, fiber and vitamin B6. Thus they are a good food for brain health. Besides, banana is also known to help induce sleep. A few slices of a banana are a great pre-bedtime snack. Eating a banana before sleep may help ensure deep rest. The brain functions at its best when deep slumber occurs and a person awakes feeling refreshed and energized. At the same time, it is also a high energy food for breakfast. In short, just go to eat banana like a monkeyXD.

Research prove that coffee have minimal effect to improve memory, but significant effect to improve exam performances in short term. A cup of coffee will help you a lot in exam. However, the research shows that there is almost no effect for regular coffee drinker. For those whom seldom drink coffee, it even will bring worse performances (caffeine produce unnecessary excitement). Therefore, if you want to drink coffee just before exam, at first make sure you are just a medium coffee drinker. If so, coffee will become a powerful stimulant for examination.

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